Nandikeswara Stotram


Nandikeswarar  Stotram


Translated by



(Stotra addressed to God Nandi  the steed of Lord Shiva)


kooshmaaanda roopaaya, vajrojjatha 
karaya cha

Saalankayana puthraaya hala
margodhithaya   cha


Salutation  to one with pumpkin form, who has  diamond like strong arms,

Who is son  of 
Salankana and who shows the way 
to the plough


2,Silathasya cha  puthraaya , rudra  jaapya 
paraaya  cha

Rudra bakthaya  devaya Namasthe   jala saayine


Son of 
Siladha , He  who  is busy 
in chanting name of Rudra

Who is a god who is  a devotee 
of Rudra , Salutation one  who
lies down on water


3.Namo ganathipathaye, Maha
yogeeswaraya  cha

Danda kandaya  chandaya , ekadasa rudraya   cha


Salutation to lord of ganas , who is a
great  god of yoga

Who makes splashes of water, who is  also one 
of eleven rudras


4.Akshaya  amruthayaiva ajayyaa  avyayaa ya 

Pasoonaam pathaye chaiva rudra  roopa dharayai  cha


He who never decays. He who never dies,
He who is never  defeated, He who has no

Is the 
Lord of all beings and also  
takes up form of Rudra( angry)


prabala  kesaya swar
jnaayathithaya  cha

sirase  chaiva, aneka
vadanaya   cha


Salutations  to him who has strong hair , who is greater
than those who knows notes

Has several heads  and also has 
lot of faces


6.Kireedine  , kundaline, maha pariga  bhahave

Paahi sarva  ganamscha, chaiva   pahi deva namosthuthe


who wears a crown,   ear globes 
, has  great iron mace in his hand

pLease protect  all groups 
of being   and also protect the
devas , We salute you


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