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Sri Dharma  Sastha


Translated by



“From Kulathu iyers Dharma sastha  Sthuthi kadambam”


sardhula  mrugendra vaaham

samsevitha padha  padmam

dweyanaavrutha parswa  yugmam

sathatham namami


He who rides  on
king of elephants  orlion , the king of

He whose lotus like feet 
is served  be  great 

He who is surrounded by 
two  ladies  sitting close 
to him

And I always 
first  salute   Lord Sastha


2,Hari hara  bhava
mekam , sachidananda roopam

Bhava  Bhaya
hara  paadham bhaavana  gamya moorthim

bhuvana  hethum , sathya  dharmanukoolam

Sritha jana kaua paalam , dharma  sastharam eede


He who is one son of G Hari and Hara, Who has form  of divine joy

He whose feet destroys the fear  of fate, he who goes towards his thought

He who is cause  of
all  worlds, g he who favours  truth and Dharma

He who takes care of 
family of his devotees, And Dharma Sastha  would protect me


3,Hari hara 
suthameesam  veera varyam  suresam

Kali yuga  bhava
bheethi dwamsa  leelavatharam

Jaya vijaya sulakshmi samvruthajanu  bahum

Malaya  giri
nivasam , Dharma sasthara meede


The son of Hari and Hara who is the God, the chief of devas  who has chosen valour

Who is the sporty 
incarnation who destroys the fear 
of  fate in Kali Yuga

Wg ho is well built and is surrounded by goddess Lakshmi
of  Victory  and success

Who lives  on
Malaya giru, let  that Dharma sastha  protect me


4.Parashiva maya meedyam 
bhoothanadham  muneendram

Kara dhrutha 
vikachabhjam , brahma  pancha  swaroopam

Manimaya sukirretam , mallikaa  pushpa 

Vara  vitharana
seelam , dharma sathara meede


The lord of bhoothas 
who  is greatly occupied  by Paramashiva ,he who is a great sage

He who has  a
shining lotus in his hand , he who has five forms of Brahma

He who has great gem studded  crown, he who wears  jasmine flower  garland,

He who has habit 
of distributing boons  , Let
that  Dharma sastha  protect me


5.Harihara maya maya bimbamadhithya koti,

THwisham amala 
mukhendhum  sathya sandham   varenyam

, nishkala dhyana gamyam

Muni jana 
hrudhi   chinthyam  Dharma 
Sasthara  meede


He who has  a
magical form pervaded with Hari and Hara, he who has,

Splendour of  a
crore suns, he who has a face like shining moon , he  who tells only truth, he who is desirable

He who can be perceived 
through Upanishads  , He who  goes to those who innocently  meditate

He who is being 
thought of by mind of sages, , Let that 
Dharma sastha  protect me


6.Kanaka maya 
dhukoolam  , chandanardravasiktham

mrudula  haasam Brahmananandhakaram

Madhura   samaya
panim  , mara jeevathu leelam

Sakala  duritha
nasam  , Dharma sasthara meede


He who is dressed in cloth spread  with gold colur, He who is  poured with sandal liquid

He who has pretty slow 
smile  , he who makes joy
pervade  among Brahmins

He who has a sweet 
timely hand  , He who  sports 
like the manmatha  alive

He who distroys all sufferings  , Let that 
Dharma sastha  protect me


7.Muni gana 
sevyam  , mukthi samrajya  moolam

sakala  thathwa  jnana 

Yiha  para  phala hethum 
, tharaka brahma  samjnam

Shadari mala 
vinasam  , Dharma sasthara meede


He who is served 
by groups of sages, he who is the root of state of  salvation

He who teaches 
wise manthras  encompassing
with  all 
known principles\

He who grants 
results here and in heaven ,, He who makes us understand the Brhamam
which helps us cross

He who destroys six types of  ills  ,
, Let that  Dharma sastha  protect me


saphala  mukhyai   payasair bhakshya  jalair

Dhadhi grutha 
paripoornair anna dhanai  thushtam

padhanamithaanaam  , nithya  vathsalya 

Hridaya kamala madhye, Dharma  sasthara 


He who gets  
contented  with  charity 
of complete  food

Consisting of good sweets   specially 
Payasam completed with curd

He who is happy 
with a bent   salutation , he who
shows real  affection

In his lotus 
like  heart  , , Let that 
Dharma sastha  protect me


9.Bhava  guna  janithaanaam , bhoga  mokshaya 

Harihara bhava 
devasyashtakam   sannidhou ya

Padathi sakala 
bhogaan  mukthi  samrajya 

Bhuvi dhivi  
cha  sa  thasmai nithya  thushto 


Happiness and salvation is granted among those  who are blessed  with divine qualities

I if   divine octet
om  Hari hara   is 
read before   the  temple 
of Sastha

, Those who read it  
would get all pleasures  and would
be lucky  to enter  the heaven

And in earth and heaven 
they would  be always satisfied

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