Vilwadri Nadha Keeerthnam

Vilwadri Nadha 


Translated by



(One of the greatest Rama temple of Kerala is
Thiruvilwamala. The God is consecrated below 
a Vilwa tree  and is called  Sri Vilwadrinathan..When my friend Smt Geetha
Narayanan send this stotra , initially  I
thought it was referring to lord Shiva (lord of Vilwa) but when I started
understanding it, I could see it was a prayer addressed to Lord Rama. You can
read about this great temple in  )


1.Vilwa nadha pahi maam, Vilwa nadha  Pahi maam

Vilwa sailakadhi nadha, vilwa nadha pahi maam

vrinda  vandhitha, vibudha
nadha  poojitha

Vimatha loka 
bheethidha, Vilwa nadha pahi maam


Oh vilwadri  nadha(Rama)
 , please protect me , Oh Vilwadrinadha   protect me

Oh Vilwadrinadha, Oh Vilwadri nadha protect me

He who is saluted by 
crowd of wise people, OH lord worshipped 
by the leader of wise people

He who makes those who disagree  with him scared, Oh Vilwadri nadha   protect me


2.Ghora papa mochaka, parasurama rakshaka

Dharani bhaara nasaka, vilwa nadha pahi maam

Ambu vaha sundara, kumbhanasadam vahan

Shambhu puthra sevitha, vilwanadha pahi maam


He who frees us from terrible sins, He who saved  Parasurama

He who destroyed burden of earth, Oh Vilwadri Nadha  protect me

The pretty one who crossed the river , He who carried
descrtuctive weapons   given by agasthya

He whois served by Hnuman, son of Shiva  , Oh  Vilwadri Nadha  protect me


3.Aamalakabhishtadha , Rama rooopa raghava

Shyama varna  
sarmadha, Vilwanadha  pahi maam

Varijaksha, Kamadha. Varidhabha mohana,

Vayu puthra 
sevitha, Vilwanadha  pahi maam


He who was liked by sage amalaka, The raghava who
has  form of Rama

He who had a black colouresd skin, Oh Lord
Vilwadrinadha  protect me,

Oh Lord who has lotus  like eyes, He who
is likeable, he who has colour of c loud, he 
who is pretty

He who was served bt Hanuman the son of Wind god, Oh
Vilwadrinadha  protect  me


4.Charu roopa chinmaya, Vilwanadha Pahi maam

Bhoori kripaa saagara, Vilwanadha  pahi maam

Bhaktha jana 
Rakshaka, thaptha  jana  Thushtidha

Vitha   madha  bhanjaka, vilwanadha  pahi maam


The one pervaded with divinity who has pretty form, Oh
Vilwadri nadha  protect me

Oh lord who is ocean full of mercy , Oh Vilwadri
Nadha  protect me

He who saves 
devotees, He who makes worried person happy

He who destroys pride due to wealth, Oh Vilwadri
Nadha  protect me


5.Vipula sakthi dhayaka, visadha  budhi dhayaka

Viswa  santhi
dhayaka, Vilwanadha  pahi maam

Akhila  loka
nayaka, hara virincha vandhitha

Athula   santhi
dhayaka, Vilwa nadha  pahi maam


Hey lord who grants broad power, Lord who grants
deep  wisdom

Lord who grants peace to the world, Oh Vilwadri
nadha  protect me

Oh Lord of the entire world, Lord saluted by  Shiva and Vishnu

Lord who grants incomparable peace  , Oh Vilwadri nadha protect me

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