Pachakshara priya Ashtakam

priya  Ashtakam


Translated by



(From Kulathu Iyers 
Dharma sastha Sthuthi kadambam)


1.Panchakshara priya, virinchadi  poojitha 
, chidananda  roopa , BHagawan

Panchadrivasa, sikhi pinchavathamsa, jaya  vanchanukoola, vardha

Panchasya  vaha,
mani kanchi gunanchitha, sumanjeera manjula 

Panchasthra, koti ruchira, angeekrutha anga  , sura 
sanjeevana pradha vibho


He who likes 
Namashivata  , who is  worshipped by Brahma and others, who has form
of divine joy  , who is God

He who lives on five mountains, who wears peacock
feather,who likes  the desire to win ,
who grants boons

He who rides  on
five things, who walks in quality gem studded 
girdle, who has pretty leg wearing anklet

He who has  five
weapons  , who has  well made limbs  liked by crores, the lord who made  devas 


2.leelavathara, mani 
maalaa kalaapa, sara  soola

Sailagravasa, mriga 
leela madhalasa  , kaladheesa  , 
Charu vadhana

Halasya  nadha
pada  lolasya, pandya  nara palasya bala, varadha

Sri lasya deva 
tharu  mooladhi vasa,
jagadalamba  , palaya  vibho


A sporting incarnation, who wears gem garland, who makes
war splendorous by arrow  and spear

He who lives  on
tip of mountain  , Who is greatly  interested in playing  with animals, Lord  of arts, having  pretty face

He who grealy loves 
the feet of lord of Madurai, the son of pandya king  , Who protects

He who lives below  
the tree of dancing God  , who
supports the world, Oh Lord look after 


3.Nrutha abhimodha 
, nija bhakthanumodha  
vilasa  thara kesa  khadana

Sathapasa architha  
samastha  anthara  sthitha, vishudha Athma  bodha 

Chithabhi ramya, jagadh udhara  , sakthi dhara , sardhula  dugdha 

Mugdhanga Raga, mani kanta  prabha ramana, nithyam namosthu bhagawan,


He who is happy 
with dance , He  who supports  real devotees, who is greatly playful, who
has solid hair

He who is worshipped by 
good sages, who is inside of every being, who is a pure soul , Who
generates consciousness

He who is even pretty in the mind   , who uplifts  the world, Who is very strong, who stole
milk  of tiger

He who has  young limbs
and  attraction  , Who is the attractive with shine  of gem on his neck, Oh God  I daily salute you


bhootha  gana nadha  , vinodha  
sura   geetha abhimana  charitha

Patala  naga
vasudha  adhara, pandya  sutha, chetho vimohana  kara

Veda  Aagamdhi  nutha, padadhikesa jagadh aadhara,
bhootha  sarana

Veetha  maya, Athma
sukha bodha  , vibhuthi dhara, nadha
namosthu  bhagawan


He who is lord of groups of Vetalas and Bhoothas  , He who has 
habit of liking  peculiar  divine music

He  who  supports the patala  snake Vasudha, who is son of Pandya, who  frees up the mind

He who is an expert of Vedas and  Agamas,He who supports  the world from foot to head, He to whom
boothas  surrender

He is full of liking 
, Who teaches us pleasure  of
soul, Who wears  sacred ashOh Lord , Oh
God  , I salute you


5.Mandhara kunda 
kuruvinda aravinda suma 
vrindhadhi  haara sushama

Vrindhara Kendra  muni vrindhabhi  vandhya 
padha, Vandharu  chinthitha  kara,

Kandharpa sundara, sugandha anulepa, Bhava santhapa
santhitha  Vibho

Santhana  dhayaka,
gunaagaara,Pahi sura bandho, Hareesa 


He  who wears
splendid  garland of made of collection  Mandhara 
, jasmine , fragrant grass , lotus flowers,

He whose feet is saluted br group of  of sages of hermitages, He who thinks  and acts 
in worshipful manner

He who is as pretty as 
God of love , he applies  scents,
the lord who consoles those who are 
worried of fate

He who grants 
babies, He who does  good  , Protect us 
friends of devas , son of Vishnu 
and shiva


6.Dharadharaabha, mani hara valee  valaya heerangaadhi   ruchira

Dheeravathamsa, Ghana saaraadhi bhootha  parivaarabhi 
ramya  charitha

Ghoraari  mardhana,
sadhaa aarama narthana  vihaara,
triloka  sarana

Tharaadhi nadha mukha 
, maarabhirama, Jaya veerasana sthitha 


He who shines  on
mountain  He  who is fond of  gem studded garland and  be 
surrounded by diamonds

He who  is a bold
incarnation who has pretty history  and  surrounded by 
camphor  and bhoothas

He who kills bold enemies, who has pastime of always
resting or dancing  , Who has devotees in
all three worlds

He who has  moon’s
face ,He who is always pretty like 
manmatha ,Hail  lord who  sits on seat 
of valour


7.Jnanabhi gamya, sura gaanaabhi ramya, bhava dheenavanaika

Jnana swaroopa, Paramananda, chinmaya, jagannadha,
bhootha  sarana

Naanaa mrugendra mrugayaa ananda, pandya
hridhayayaananda  nandana, vibho

Soonayudha anchitha samaanaanga, paahi  sura 
senaa  samooha  bharana


He who goes 
towards wisdom, He who likes divine songs, He who is an expert in curing
sorrow due  to fate

He who has form of wisdom, who is divinely happy, who is
spread  divinely, lord  of universe, to whom bhoothas surrender

He who gets joy in hunting various king of animals, the
son who gave happiness to mind  of
Pandya, The lord

He  who has a clen
body carrying knife, Protect us  He who
administers   the 
army groups


8.Vedantha saara, vibudhaadhara, vethra dhara,
Padaravinda Saranam

Bhoothadhinadha, puru hoothadhi  poojitha, kirathavathara Saranam

Aadhara bhootha, ripu 
Badha  vimochana, , Suraadhaara
Nadha  , Saranam

Nadhantharanga, guru nadha  , natharthi hara, , geethabhimodhasaranam


He who is meaning of Vedas , The one who supports  learnd people, Who carries stick, I surrender  to his lotus like feet

He who is lord of all Bhoothaa, Worshipped  by great 
devotees, who tok incarnation of hunter , I surrender

He  who is support
of all  beings, Who removes troubles  by enemies, lord who spports devas, I

He who has  music
in his mind, The  lord teacher, destroyer
of enemies of devotees , I surrender

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