Octet on God of Madhyarjuna( Thiruvidai maruthur)


Octet on God of
Madhyarjuna( Thiruvidai maruthur)



Anantharama Deekshithar


Translated by



मध्यार्जुनेशं भजेहं साम्बमध्यार्जुनेशं

महालिङ्गमाद्यं मध्यार्जुनेशं
भजेहम् ध्रुवपदम्

Madhyarjunesam  Bhajeham 
, Samba  Madhyarjunesam  

Mahalinga  maadhyam, Madhyarjunesam   Bhajeham


I  sing about 
of God of  Thiruvidaimarudhur,
Lord Shiva  God  of Thiruvidai marudhur

I sing about
first  The mahalinga  , The god 
of thiruvidai marudhur


ज्योतिर्महालिङ्गरूपं कॢप्तभूपं भुजङ्गेन कृत्तारिबृन्दम्

भक्तार्ति संहार्यपाङ्गं
ब्रह्मविष्ण्वादिवृन्दैर्मुदापूजिताङ्घ्रिम् १॥


Jyothir  maha linga roopam  kluptha  
bhoopam  bhujangena kruthrari   vrindam

samharya  paangam Brahma vishnvadhi
vrindair  mudha   poojithangrim


Having the
form  shining  great 
linga , the appointed king , tied by snakeand surrounded  by his enemies

Who is
interested  in destroying enemies  of devotion and who was always   worshipped by crowd of Brahma and Vishnu   with joy


रुद्राक्षमालां धरन्तं ब्रह्महत्यादि पापानि सन्नाशयन्तम्

रक्षन्तमापत्सु भक्तान् भ्रान्तचित्तस्थदोषान् समुन्मूलयन्तम्


Rudraksha  Maalaam  
Dharantham  Brahama  hathyadhi paapaani sannasayantham

maapathsu bakthaan , bhrantha chithastha doshaan sanmoolayantham


He who wears
garland  of Rudraksha, He who completely
destroys sins  like  Brahma hathya

He who protects
devotees  of dangersHe who uproots
defects like  unstable mind


पुण्याश्वमेधप्रचारैः भूतपातादिचोरैः

कुर्वन्ति भक्ताः प्रसन्नं पुत्रपौत्राद्यभीष्टान्
सदा पूरयन्तम् ३॥


aswamedha  pracharai bhootha
pathadhi  chorai bhavambodhi tharai

Kurvanthi  baktha prasannam puthra
pouthradhyabheeshataan sadhaa 


awwamedha,getting rid of devils , ghosts and thief, grating  star like ocean  of life,

Are  done to the devotee and it would fulfill  the desires of children and grand children


भस्मादिभूषाविशेषं पुष्पविल्वादिपत्रैर्जुषाणं

सर्वार्थदायिप्रदोषं विप्रवर्यौघ सम्प्रोक्तसामादिघोषम् ४॥


Basmadhi bhooshaa
visesham, pushpa vilwadhi pathrar jushaanaam 

Sarvarth dhayi
pradosham  vipra varyog samproktha  Samadhi gosham


He  is specially covered with sacred ash,
pleased  with flowers and leaf of Vilwa
and is satisfied

If learned Brahmins
collectively  chant in addition during
pradosha, he  gives every thing


सह्याद्रिजातीर भाग्यं साधुभोग्यं सुरेन्द्रैः सदासाधुमृग्यम्

प्राप्यं कृतानेकपुण्यैः
दीनरक्षैकदीक्षं कृपापूर्णवीक्षम्


SAhyadhrijaa  theera bhagyam sadhu bhogyam   surendrair sadha  saadhu mrugyam

Prapyam krutha   aneka punyai dheena rakshaika  deeksham kripa  poorna 


The saints  feel the luck of him being on shores of rivers
from western ghats and always search for him ,

And get results of
many  blessed  deeds done by determination of protecting the
suffering  and look at them with mercy


पुष्पोत्सवे पुण्यगोष्ट्यां
सामवेदादिघोषैः प्रमोदेनभान्तम्

ज्योतिर्मयानन्दकन्दं स्वर्जुनाख्यस्य
वृक्षस्य मूले वसन्तम् ६॥


Pushpothsave  punya 
goshtyam  sama vedhadhi goshair
pramodhana  bhantham

Jyothir  mayananda 
kandham swarjunakhyaya vrikshasya 
mole  vasantham


In the festival of
flowers blessed  groups would chant sama
veda related with great joy

The God who takes
joy by the shining cremation ground and shines  
below  his own arjuna tree


पुष्येरथे कालधौते दिव्यपुष्पाभिरामेवृषैरुह्यमाने

पश्यन्तमत्यन्तभक्तां सुन्दराभ्यां
बृहद्भ्यां कुचाभ्यां युतान्ताम् ७॥


kala dhouthe dhivya  puspa
abhiraai vrishai aaroohyamaane

athyantha baktha sundaraabhyaam brihadbhyam kuchabhyam yuthantham


In the chariot of pleasure, in the shining times
climbing in it decorated by divine 

And this would be seen by great devotees ,  with her wearing a pretty dress  over very big and pretty breasts


स्तोत्रं कृतं भक्तिपूर्वं दीक्षितानन्तरामेण पापौघशान्त्यै

नित्यं पठेद्यस्तु भक्त्या तस्य सर्वार्थलाभो
भवेदाशुतोषात् ८॥


Stotra krutham 
bakthi poorvam deekshitha anantha ramena papougha   santhyai

Nithyam padethyasthu bakthyaa thasya sarvartha laabho
bhavedha  suthoshaath


इति श्री अनन्तरामदीक्षितेन

श्रीमध्यार्जुनेशाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम्

Ithi Sri Anantharama 
Deekshithena  virachitham

Madhyarjuna  ashtakam  sampoornam

Thus ends octet 
on  Madhyarjuna  written by Anantha Rama deekshitha

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