Bandhuka ashtakam

Bandhuka ashtakam


Translated by


(From Dharma sastha sthuthi kadambam)


bandhura  ruchim  kala 
dhoutha  bhasam

Panchananam  ,
duritha  vanchana  dheeram eesam

Paarswa dhwayaa 
kalitha sakthi kadaksha  charum

Neelothphalarchitha thanum  , pranathosmi devam


He  who likes  the friendship of his devotees, Who
shines  white

Who has five faces, the god of those   who are bold when deceived by  deception

Who has  pretty
looks  by 
two sakthis  very near  him

Who has a body worshipped 
by blue lotus  , And  I salute that God


2.Kalyana  vesha
ruchiram  , karuna nidhanam

Kandarppa  koti
sadrusam  kamaneeya  bhasam

Kanthaa dwaya kalitha parswam agharimadhyam

pranathosmi  nithyam


He who likes to be dressed  in Gold 
, He who is store house of mercy

He who is similar to one crore manmathas, has very pretty

He who is in the centre of two wives who are  very near him

And I daily 
salute   this Sastha


3.yo vaa smared aruna kumkuma pankha  sonam

kacha bhara lasad  kireetam

Saasthara meva sathatham 
sa thu sarva lokaan

Vismhapaye nija viloka natho  nithantham


He when we think of him is of the colour of the red j

He who   wears
feather decorated crown   full of

All the people  who
always rely on only sastha

Would  make  world leader devotees truly wonder


4,Pancheshu  kaidabha  virodhi thanu bhavam tham,

danthi  varam  drutha mandha 

viratham nija baktha  hamse

Shwidhim  paraam
hi  dadatham  bhuvanaika  


He  has the  power of five 
enemies  of Kaidabha

And riding on a blessed 
elephant, he wears a smile

He  bestows
using  his lotus like hand on the  true devotee,

And divinely gives 
them who pray  , The one who is
saluted  by the universe


sragupa laksitha  kesa  hastham

thilaka  mohitha  sarva lokam

Panchananaa  ambuja
jala sadh Ghana  karna paasam

amburuha lochana meesam meede


His hair and  hands
are aimes at his gem studded  garland,

And his thilaka 
using musk  attracts  the entire world

His pure thick pretty ear is like the lotus held  by Ganesa 
with five faces

And I depend on Sastha with  lotus like 


6.Panchananam, dasa 
bhujam   , dhrutha  hethi dhandam

Dhaara darali nibha 
uthpala malya   bhoosham

Ichaa  roopa phala
dho asmyaha meva  bhakthe

Shwitham pratheetha 
vivbhavam  bhagawantha  meede


He with five 
faces, ten hands holds a  bamboo

On the mountain  
he   wears garland of flowers  of blue lotus

according to the desire to 
his  devotees

And wisely satisfying him   and I depend 
on that god


bhagawatha   smara  sasanascha

Maayaa  gruheetha
mahilaa  vapusho harescha

Ya   sangame   samudha 
bhoojagadheesha thadrugh

DEvam gathosmi Saranam Karuna  nivasam


Recollecting  god’s   order 
of thinking   about him

Caught by illusion the pretty feminine  form of Lord Vishnu,

The union 
brought  the king   to 
that place

And I am going to the God 
who is home of kindness  to


8.Yasyaiva   baktha
janamathra  grunanthi loke

Kim vaa  maya  kimadha 
vaa sura vardha  kirvaa

Vedhaa  kimesha
nanu   saabara  yesha 
haa kim

tham  saranamasu tharam   vrijaami


All devotees   of
the world aseemble there

What for    and  aimed 
at what  , the  deva crowd is there?

Vedas  with what
purpose  are  coming to the sabari mountain why?

They are  all  believing 
that  surrendering there   will
make them win.


9.Ya yethath 
padathi stotram   poojanthe   sathu ragratha

Sa yeva  viswa
vidhyaanaam kauthukaanaam  madheeswara


Those who read this prayer and does  worship near 

Would get  interest
to learln worldly knowledge due to the curiosity  of the God

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